Registration conditions


To register for a Bwizer Group course, you must register at the given websites. When you register, you are automatically accepting to subscribe to our newsletter.

By registering for any Bwizer Group course, you accept the following conditions:

1. Your registration will only be considered definitive after the analysis of the proof of qualifications and the validation of the respective payment, in addition to the complete completion of fields that are mandatory during the registration process.

2. Bwizer Group may refuse a registration, namely, when it considers that the trainee’s qualifications do not fit the recipients of the event and / or the defined prerequisites. Recipients authorized to participate in the course are described on the event page in the “Recipients” area. If the interested party has doubts about his / her qualification in the recipients defined in the event, he / she should contact Bwizer Group to [email protected] or 220 136 948 prior to the registration.

3. Respecting the registration criteria that are communicated, namely academic qualifications, the trainees are selected in order of completion of the registration process. Even so, Bwizer Group reserves the right to refuse the registration of trainees who, although they fall within the standard recipient defined for the same, do not have a qualification adequate to the quality requirements intended for the course.

4. The occurrence of any Bwizer Group event is dependent on filling a minimum number of places. In the event that this minimum number is not filled in or there is any other valid and justified reason that prevents the training from being carried out, Bwizer Group reserves the right to cancel it at all times, including during the training event. In the event that this cancellation occurs before the start of the training event, Bwizer Group proceeds to fully refund the registration fee, when there has been a payment, without any claims for damages or additional compensation being claimed. In the event that the cancellation occurs during the training event, due to a sudden and fortuitous event, Bwizer Group undertakes to replace the missing hours and reschedule the planned training, with no refund of the price (in full or in full). part), nor any indemnity or compensation for any additional expenses.

5. Registration is limited to the number of places available. If when you register online, the number of vacancies is already completely filled, even if this action may be allowed, you will then be contacted by Bwizer Group, informing you of the impossibility of accepting your registration and the procedure to be followed in order to return the amount already paid, if that is the case.

6. The request for cancellation of a registration by the customer must be requested through his personal area at, with the indication of the event he intends to withdraw from, the reason and respective IBAN of the account to be credited. The registration fee is returned to the client under the following conditions:

6.1. Withdrawal up to 15 days before the course start date, the registration fee will be refunded, retaining a fee of 30% of the total course fee.

6.2. Withdrawal less than 15 days before the course start date, no refund will be made, retaining the full course fee. (If the customer has not paid the amount to be withheld (30% or the total depending on the withdrawal period) he is obliged to pay the missing amount.) These conditions are valid for all Bwizer Group events, except for those with specific conditions, announced on the event page, or in the specific regulations of the training in question.

7.The issuance of the certificate may be refused if the trainee has an attendance below the minimum number of hours for each course, which by default is 80% of the total number of hours; if the requested proof of qualification is not delivered or if the information provided regarding qualifications is found to be false; or in the circumstance of the Trainee revealing the non-acquisition of knowledge and non-compliance with the proposed objectives, through the issuance of a written opinion, justification and reasoned by the Head Trainer. In order for the student to have access to the certificate, it is also necessary to pre-fill the digital questionnaire for evaluating the course.

8. Bwizer Group will be able to collect images, videos and sounds (including voice) during the event. The images or videos will always be collected in the global context of the event and only disseminated for future educational and promotional purposes. By proceeding with your registration, you consent to Bwizer Group collecting and disseminating image and / or video records in which your image and voice may eventually be integrated into the general context of the event, unless you express your refusal to do so. . However, at any time, and if you have expressed your refusal to capture images and videos, when consulting a publication made by Bwizer Group if you detect any image that you do not want to be published, you can request its immediate exclusion by contacting Bwizer Group in this sense.

9. Trainees are not allowed to proceed with the photographic, video or phonographic record of the events that compromises the protection of the information disclosed at the event. However, when previously requested to Bwizer Group, and depending on the authorization of the trainer (s) and the trainee (s) in question, this type of registration may be allowed. Trainees interested in registering sessions should contact Bwizer Group in advance and directly, requesting their authorization and informing the type of registration they wish to make. In any case, even when authorized, the records collected should be used exclusively for personal purposes and never for commercial purposes. Whenever the records collected are released, the context in which they were collected must be properly identified. The trainee who publicly discloses the records is obliged to remove them as soon as they are contacted by Bwizer Group, some of their clients or trainers. Except here the punctual collection of photos of the trainee himself for his own consumption or for sharing on social networks, provided that with the authorization of possible participants in the photographic record.

10. Bwizer Group will only use the personal data provided in the registration form for the specific purposes that were provided and always with the consent of its holders, which is given with the act of providing it. Said data will only be shared with third parties when necessary for the purpose of international partnerships or for cases exclusively related to certification.

11. During the training, the eventual participation of the trainee in technical demonstrations or other therapeutic interventions that prove to be useful, carried out by the trainer, will always be a voluntary act, and the trainee may refuse to participate, provided that such refusal does not compromise acquisition of skills or objectives proposed by the training.

12. Except in courses specifically mentioned in the training contract, any injuries or bodily accidents resulting from the interventions or bodily manipulations carried out within the scope of the training are safeguarded, by Bwizer Group, by personal accident insurance.

Consumer Dispute Resolution

– In compliance with Law No. 144/2015 of 8 September, in the event of a dispute, the consumer has alternative means of resolving consumer disputes and may resort to CACCL – Center for Arbitration of Consumer Conflicts of Lisbon with website at : and headquartered at Rua dos Douradores, nº 116 – 2nd 1100 – 207 Lisbon.

– In compliance with Law No. 144/2015 of 8 September, in the event of a dispute, the consumer has alternative means of resolving consumer disputes and may resort to CICAP – Porto Consumer and Arbitration Information Center with website at : and headquartered at Rua Damião de Góis, 31, store 6, 4050 – 225 Porto